nate bait



about me

hi. i am a third-year college student residing in California who enjoys producing as a hobby.some of the major communities i have been involved with include ██████ █████ and osu!.most of my work ranges from personal projects to low effort memes or anything i may be up to. i always enjoy sharing some of the endeavors i go on, and i hope you enjoy sticking around with me on this journey. ♡

my music

i started making chiptunes in 2017, using a mobile app called 8Tones before moving on to FamiTracker. i eventually picked up Cakewalk in 2021, which has been my main DAW since.most of my music is heavily influenced by EDM — however, i am constantly open to exploring new genres and styles.

my studies

i am an undergraduate majoring in computer engineering. i will (hopefully) be graduating in 2026 :oi currently have a particular interest in signal processing — mainly influenced by my existing experience in music production.

if you would like to contact me for any reason or would like to talk to me, feel free to email me using the button below. :)